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Fujitsu P27-8 TS UHD 68,6 cm (27") 3840 x 2160 Pixel 4K Ultra HD LED Negru
> 68,6 cm (27") LED IPS
> 4K Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 Pixel 16:9
> 5 ms 350 cd/m² 1300:1
> G 27 kWh 29,6 W
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![Dimensiunea de afișare pentru acest produs; exprimată în centimetri diagonală Diagonala afișajului](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Rezoluția de afișare pentru sistemul de Rezoluţie de afişare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Type of supported High Definition (e.g. Full HD, 4K Ultra HD). Tip HD](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of an image to its height. The native aspect ratio is the one which the projector/display is particularly designed for. Images shown in native aspect ratio will utilize the entire resolution of the display and achieve maximum brightness. Images shown in other than native aspect ratio will always have less resolution and less brightness than images shown in native aspect ratio. Raport de aspect nativ](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The technology used in the display e.g. plasma Tehnologie de afișare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![A screen of a laptop Ecran tactil](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Display brightness, measured by its Luminance, presented as a figure in nits. Typical brightness ratings for monitors range from 250 to 350 nits with a target value of between 80 to 120 nits being suitable for most displays in a normal viewing environment. Luminozitate afișaj (tipică)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Timpul de răspuns este diferența de timp între momentul în care o sursă (de exemplu o placă video) trimite un semnal şi că echipamentele (de exemplu un monitor) primeşte sau afişa semnalului. (Folosite abrevieri: R/F = Rise şi toamna.) Timp de răspuns](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The graphic resolutions that can be displayed by the device. The graphic resolution describes the width and height dimensions of a display Rezoluții grafice suportate](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Diferența de intensitate a luminii dintre albul cel mai stralucitor şi negru cel mai inchis. Rația de contrast (tipică)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![A property of a display system Raport contrast (dinamic)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Maximum horizontal angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance. Unghiul de vizionare, orizontal](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Maximum vertical angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance. Unghiul de vizionare, vertical](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Acest lucru este parametrul dintr-un tub de imagine, care specifică distanţa cea mai scurtă dintre două puncte de aceeasi culoare. Principiul este: mai mici pitch dot, o mai buna claritatea a imaginii. Nivel pixel](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The viewable size is often somewhat smaller than the actual size of a monitor Dimensiune zonă vizibilă, orizontală](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The quantity of speakers included in/with the product. Număr de difuzoare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![RMS (Root mean square) is a measure of the continuous power required by a device Puterea RMS](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The device contains speaker(s) to produce sound. Difuzoare încorporate](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The product has an integrated camera. Cameră încorporată](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The colour e.g. red Culoarea produsului](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Whether or not the device features a USB hub to connect more than one other device via USB. Hub USB încorporat](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is a video display interface to connect a video source to a display device Portul DVI](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The number of sockets (ports) for HDMI connections. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transferring uncompressed video data and compressed/uncompressed digital audio data from a HDMI-compliant device ( Numărul de porturi HDMI](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Number of DisplayPorts. A DisplayPort is a digital display interface developed by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). The interface is primarily used to connect a video source to a display device such as a computer monitor Număr de DisplayPort](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Number of sockets /ports where headphones are connected. Ieșiri căști](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![How headphones connect to a device e.g. wirelessly or via a cable and connector. Conectivitate pentru căşti](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Holes on the edge of devices through which a cable lock can be passed Slot cablu de siguranță](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The part of the device that can be adjusted to change the height. Ajustare a înălţimii](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The tilt Ajustare înclinare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Cantitatea de energie consumata de acest model, exprimată în wați. Valori tipice pe care producătorii le dau sunt consumul de energie atunci când aparatul este inchis, mod standby/suspendat, tipic de utilizare, maximă de utilizare. Consum de energie (tipic)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The maximum amount of power used by the device. Consum de energie (max)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The voltage of the AC electricity that is inputted into the product. Tensiune AC intrare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The amount of energy used by the product per year. Consum anual de energie](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Tehnologia de afişare. Tehnologia ecranului plat ca Liquid Cristal Display (LCD) şi subţire film tranzistor (TFT), cu matrice activă tehnologie sunt la moda.In una puteţi observa tehnologie FST (Flat Screen Tube) , şi ARASC (neâncetată anti, Anti Static acoperire) sau AGARAS (ARASC de orbire) sau pur şi simplu AGC (strat anti-orbire). Tehnologia vechi de tv şi ecran CRT înseamnă catodica Ray Tube. MLA = Micro Lens Array. p-si = policristaline silicon. a-si = siliciu amorf. Ecran](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)