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Digitus AK-440201-018-S cabluri de alimentare Negru 1,8 m IEC C14 IEC C13
Timpul estimat de livrare este furnizat de transportatori. Acesta îți permite să stabilești data estimată la care comanda ta va ajunge la tine.
Alegeți un produs necesar
> 1,8 m
> IEC C14 Mamă
> IEC C13 Tată
> H05VV-F3G 0.75 mm²
> Negru
![The colour e.g. red Culoarea produsului](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The gender of the second connector of the product. Each half of a pair of mating connectors is assigned the designation male or female, the indented one or the one fitting around the other being called female. Conector 2 genuri](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The gender of the first connector of the product. Each half of a pair of mating connectors is assigned the designation male or female, the part bearing one or which fits into another being called male. Conector 1 gen](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![How long the cable is. Lungime cablu](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![This is the first connector in the device. Conector 1](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![This is the second connector in the device. Conector 2](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![What the connector contacts are covered with (layer on top). Placare contacte conectori](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Type of cable e.g. electicity cable Tipul de cablu](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The voltage (V) which is required to power the product. Tensiunea de intrare](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The effective resistance of an electric circuit or component to alternating current Impedanta](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The distance from one side of the packaging to the other. Lăţime de ambalaj](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The distance from the front to the back of the packaging. Adâncimea de ambalaj](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Weight of the packaged product. Greutatea pachetului](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Country where the device is made. Aka Country of manufacture (COM). Ţara de origine](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)